Tuesday, 28 June 2016

SQL Server Cluster Network Name Resource ‘SQL Network Name’ Failed Issue

Today will discuss about the issue that I’ve encountered during performing an installation of a SQL Server failover cluster is “The cluster resource ‘SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)’ could not be brought online due to an error bringing the dependency resource ‘SQL Network Name (MSSQL2012)’ online.” Upon checking the cluster events in the Failover Cluster Manager, you will find the below error.

Cluster network name resource 'SQL Network Name (MSSQL2012)' failed to create its associated computer object in domain 'ENTERPRISE.ORG' for the following reason: Resource online. The associated error code is: -1073741790 Please work with your domain administrator to ensure that: - The cluster identity 'WIN2012$' can create computer objects. By default, all computer objects are created in the 'Computers' container; consult the domain administrator if this location has been changed. - The quota for computer objects has not been reached. - If there is an existing computer object, verify the Cluster Identity ' WIN2012$' has 'Full Control' permission to that computer object using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool.
Lets first understand, what is Cluster Name Object (CNO)?
In a Windows Server Failover Cluster, a cluster name object (CNO) is an Active Directory (AD) account for a failover cluster.

A CNO is automatically created during cluster Setup. When the administrator creates a failover cluster and configures clustered services or applications, the "Create Cluster Wizard" creates all the Active Directory computer accounts the failover cluster requires and gives each account specific permissions. The wizard also creates a computer account for the failover cluster itself; this account is called the cluster name object.

The CNO is important because other accounts are created through it. If the CNO is deleted or permissions for the account are changed, other computer accounts required by the cluster can't be created until the CNO and correct permissions are restored.

Beginning with Windows Server 2012, both the Create Cluster Wizard and the PowerShell cmdlet New-Cluster allow administrators to decide which organizational unit (OU) should contain the CNO.

There are basically two solution of this problem:

1. One resolution is a preventative action that can be done prior to beginning the installation of the SQL Server Failover Cluster, and
2. Second resolution is after the issue experienced during installation to be able to continue.
Both resolutions require access and permissions to AD.

1. The resolution that will prevent this issue on future installations is to “pre-stage” the VCO.

- Log in as a user with permissions to create computer objects in the domain.
- Under Active Directory Users and Computers, create a “New Computer” object within the desired AD Container for the VCO (this will be your SQL Server Network Name).
- Once the object has been created, you can then add the CNO (this will be your WSFC Name) to the security of the VCO with “Full Control” over the VCO.

2. To achieve the resolution that will be reactive for your current errors, you need to grant the proper permissions to the CNO.

- Log in as a user with administrative permissions in the domain.
- Under Active Directory Users and Computers, grant the CNO (this will be your WSFC Name) “Create Computer Objects” permissions.

After doing this, you can retry your previously failed installation, and it should be successful. To verify if this issue was corrected, you can navigate within the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Cluster group and attempt to bring the Server Name resource online.
If the resource is able to be brought online successfully and thats it!!