Tuesday, 21 February 2017

MS Azure : Create Azure SQL Servers

Create Azure SQL Servers

To create new Azure SQL Server follow the below steps:
Step 1 : Login to Azure Portal https://portal.azure.com with your credentials.

Step 2 : Once you Logged In successfully, portal will look like below snapshot.
From the left pane, you have to find out SQL servers as highlighted with red block in below snapshot.

Step 3 : Once you clicked on SQL servers, it will show you below screen and to create new SQL database, click on Add button as highlighted below.

Step 4 : Once you clicked Add button, it will prompt a new window to provide basic information to create new SQL database:

1. Server name : Provide server name
2. Server admin login : Provide admin login name.
3. Password : Provide password
4. Confirm password : Confirm password
5. Subscription : This is the dropdown box, Choose from the available subscription created by you.
6. Resource group : This is radio box, two options Create new or Use existing and Select the resource group.

7. Location : This is dropdown box, Select the region which near to your application server.

Step 5 : Once deployment successfully completed then click on Refresh button, it will shows the database under the list of SQL databases on the portal as shown below:

Choose the Server to know the properties/settings of the SQL server, it will give you the screen as below

That's it!! Only in few minutes Azure SQL Server is ready to deploy new SQL Database.

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