Monday 16 December 2019

OS : Server Clocks out of sync issue with NTP

Server Clocks out of sync issue with NTP

These type of issues triggers if any host's clock goes out of sync with the time given by NTP.

In resolution, can perform following steps as troubleshooting:

1. Open Command prompt as Administrator
2. Check the current source Server to time sync on host:
     w32tm /query /source

3. Command to check Host Server date and time:
     echo %date%:%time%

4. Command to check DC’s current time settings:
     w32tm /stripchart /computer:<DC_Name> /dataonly

Steps to reconfigure Win time services:
Net stop w32time
W32tm /unregister
W32tm /register
Net start w32time

W32tm /config /syncfromflag:DOMHIER /update
W32tm /resync /nowait
Net stop w32time
Net start w32time

If doesn’t works then try with rediscover:
W32tm /resync /nowait /rediscover
W32tm /query /source
W32tm /monitor

Sync time with specific DC :
Net time \\<DC_NAME> /set /y

Command to check DC’s current time settings:
W32tm /stripchart /computer:<DC_Name> /dataonly

To Sync with DC current system time with an external time server:
W32tm /resync /computer:<DC_Name> /nowait

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